Photo of Americo Abreu Portugal

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Open Office 1979 Lisboa em 1986 na raku Ceramic Course So no Simpsio Assistant Bernardo 1987 International Ceramics of Alcobaça na 1989 Participao artistic ceramic Bianal 89 1991 Aveiro Course Pastas Control and ceramic-CENCAL Vidros Cozedura Course Pasta e Vidros ceramic com-CEARTE Manuel Keller 1992 Participao no Encontro Europeu de Artesanato e Micro-Business Workshop-Urban Mobilirio em Ceramic CENCAL 1993 Workshop 1994...

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Photo of Americo Abreu Portugal

Open Office 1979 Lisboa em 1986 na raku Ceramic Course So no Simpsio Assistant Bernardo 1987 International Ceramics of Alcobaça na 1989 Participao artistic ceramic Bianal 89 1991 Aveiro Course Pastas Control and ceramic-CENCAL Vidros Cozedura Course Pasta e Vidros ceramic com-CEARTE Manuel Keller 1992 Participao no Encontro Europeu de Artesanato e Micro-Business Workshop-Urban Mobilirio em Ceramic CENCAL 1993 Workshop 1994 Course CENCAL Porcelain Porcelain-Misso Chinesa Macau em Lisboa 1998 Get Profissional aptidões Certificate No 4991/98 DL EDF National Certificao do Profissional na Cimeira 1998 International Representative Artesanato Europe, Latin America, Saragoa-Espanha 2001 Vitrofuso Course Barracha-Fornos and Technologies 2002 Course of Thermodynamics Iniciao hair sandcasting.ministrado year 2005 Course Group SandBox Cencal dry corda - Criaoe Commercial Site gesture na um Ineternet Cencal 2006 Course of glass ceramic technique of run-off gesture Criaoe Cencal-Commercial Site na Internet um-level 2-Cencal Trainer Courses formae em Maker Profissional em ceramic estgios regular exhibitor em Feira de Artesanato since 1980 Exhibitor ceramics show em Grande vrias experince as a trainer profissional em roda oleiros

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